Interface of Effective Field Theories and Lattice Gauge Theory

15 October - 09 November 2018

Nora Brambilla, Andreas Kronfeld, Peter Petreczky, Antonio Vairo

The aim of the programme is to explore the interplay of effective field theory (EFT) and numerical lattice gauge theory and, thus, to nurture two of the most powerful theoretical tools at the frontier of particle and nuclear physics.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • Effective theories for heavy quarks
  • Chiral perturbation theory
  • Physics results for flavour physics and Standard Model parameters
  • QED in a finite spacetime volume
  • Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
  • Nucleon properties and physics beyond the Standard Model (including neutrino physics)
  • Connections between the gradient flow and effective field theory
  • Renormalons and lattice gauge theory
  • Effective field theories for strongly coupled BSM scenarios
  • Quantum optics and lattice gauge systems
  • Effective field theories for open quantum systems
  • Hadron spectroscopy
  • Parton densities, generalised parton distributions functions, quarkonium production
  • Effective theories at non-zero temperature

The above topics are of importance for the physics of several experiments ranging from colliders experiments (LHC at CERN, RHIC at BNL, BELLE II at KEK, BESIII at IHEP) to neutrino and dark matter experiments as well as experiments at Jlab. The MIAPP programme will bring together practitioners in lattice gauge theory with experts in (continuum) effective field theories with the goal to explore how EFTs can broaden the range of application of numerical simulations and, conversely, how lattice gauge theory results can enhance the predictive power of EFTs.